Automate your document approval processes.
Workflow plays a fundamental role in the process of digitizing business processes.
It allows you to maximize the efficiency of document flow processes thanks to predefined document approval paths. Human error is minimized. Any practice or document that requires acknowledgment and/or approval will be immediately and easily traceable. The situation and status of individual workflow processes can always be monitored by responsible users.

Workflow process management
ZenDMS offers the possibility of generating new approval processes for the inserted documents.
Each process thus generated, passes through a series of states for each of which the user – involved in the workflow – is asked to approve or reject.
Each process thus generated, passes through a series of states for each of which the user – involved in the workflow – is asked to approve or reject.
ZenShare provides several types of approval process (by majority, unanimity or by selection) in table form or through the use of a graphic designer, and also allows you to:
– define the activity object of the next step (completion, document registration, metadata entry, etc..),
– decide which document folder the document will flow into at the end of the workflow,
– send email notifications for each status change,
– justify the approval or possible non-approval of a document.
User management
Each ZenDMS user or user group defined as approval, will be able to view and manage only the documents entered by the applicants in that specific approval process.
The section is equipped with a contextual menu through which the user has access to:
- Personal documents: the list of your documents entered for approval
- All documents: the exclusive detail for administrator profiles that lists all documents for approval
- Documents to be approved: the list of documents to be approved for which the role of “approval” is held
- Published Documents: The documents published in the repository after the completion of the process
- Process management: details of approval processes (reading for users, reading/writing for administrators)