Manage your documents, digital and paper, in electronic format: from document acquisition to digital archiving.
Regardless of the original format of the documents (paper or digital), they contain data and information that must be acquired and archived, as well as made available for consultation, sharing and conservation over time. The data contained can be of various nature, administrative, legal, juridical, accounting, and efficient management assumes a strategic value for any company and organization. ZenDMS, the Document Management System solution of the Suite ZenShare, it is equipped with a large set of functions dedicated to Document Management

Document management in all phases of the life cycle:
ZenDMS is a solution:
based on the growth of the company
with high levels of security and continuity of service
with the regulations in force on documents management
ZenDMS features
ZenDMS allows you to manage current documents so that they are archived correctly on the basis of ownership of the institution, facilitating their retrieval and consultation. It is possible to browse quickly through the various categories and document types until you reach the documents you are looking for.
Storage Archive Management
Once their current administrative function has been completed, the documents are moved to the storage archive. Once archived in the storage area, the documents can be consulted, downloaded and reordered or, if necessary, discarded (deleted).
Historical Archive Management
Following a selection process, the documents deemed to be of considerable historical and cultural interest pass from the deposit archive to the historical archive. they are made available on a web portal dedicated to public consultation.
Scholars and interested parties can consult the documents in accordance with the provisions in force regarding access to documents and the processing of personal data.
The document management and publication process consists of three parts:
- Acquisition of documents from the local PC, from email, from scanners, print spools, or faxes.
- Indexing, for each type of document it is possible to associate a document model.
- Permissions and publication, ability to assign permissions on a single document and to categorize a single document into multiple folders.
Document models
The system automatically records the date, time and the author of publication. Furthermore, through the management of document models (i.e. the aggregation of several metadata usually present in some document types) it is possible to associate a model to the single document.
View permissions
It is possible to manage viewing permissions both at the folder level and at the single document level.
Categorization and publication
The historicized and published document is associated with the relevant category, inheriting its permissions. ZenDMS allows you to place your document into multiple categories without replicating.
Check-in Check-out and Versioning
It is possible to make corrections to the attributes (metadata, permissions and document categories), modify and update the contents of the document by activating the automatic versioning The function versioning manages Major and Minor releases of published documents. ZenDMS keeps track of previous versions and always makes them available to the user who requests them.
With ZenShare it is possible to send one or more documents to other users or competent offices.
Just one click and the document to be sorted will be assigned to the recipient user who, in turn, will be automatically notified via email by the system of the successful assignment of the document. The recipient user or office can:
- take charge of the document
- sort it again
- refuse the assignment.
Through a very simple interface, the user with an administrator profile can generate new approval processes for the inserted documents. Each process thus generated passes through a series of states for each of which the user – involved in the workflow – is asked to approve or refuse.
The module recognizes mono/bidimensional barcodes to uniquely referencing documents within the DMS, useful in all those cases of management of hybrid systems (paper-digital) in which the scanning and archiving processes in the DMS are carried out massively in batch mode. Intelligent management logics for documents scanned and complete with barcode are also applicable, such as the automatic separation of scanned documents in one file.
- enable email notification;
- establish the number of days notice from the deadline;
- define the group of users to be notified.
Document Correlation Module
They can be established automatic correlations between documents based on the document model, common metadata or other conditions. The correlation aims at reconstruct the link between the documents over time: in particular, it is useful for reconciling the order-bill-invoice documents during the entire order-payment cycle.
Spool PDF/ASCII recognition module
This module is particularly useful in cases of data transfer/acquisition for the integration of the DMS with the company ERP, in order to have a faster and more automatic indexing of archived documents. It consists in the acquisition, recognition and indexing of batch flows from management/ERP systems.
The module is dedicated to sending and receiving documents by e-mail/Certificated Mail/Fax directly from ZenDMS (IMAP protocol, Exchange). The Email Import Module monitors an email box from which it captures incoming mail by separating emails from attached documents. The documents are then archived and published to ZenDMS in a predefined folder. It is possible to insert the e-mail and its attachment automatically in an approval process.
It is possible to send documents via Certificated mail in batch mode by preparing bulk mailings, or in single mode from the front end. Lastly, the system reconciles the return receipts with the messages sent, tracing all the messages sent and correctly archiving both the messages and the related receipts.
Through advanced technologies it is possible to recognize and acquire data from structured and unstructured documents, based on zonal logics that “map” the structure of the documents or “free form” logics that self-learn the structure of the documents where this is not standardized.
Login management
All users are profiled by username and password.
It is possible to increase the level of security by configuring access to the system, through the use of the HTTPS protocol and digital certificates.
Access to portal areas
It is possible to limit access to some areas of the portal, such as the Library, Workflow and company directory.
Furthermore, it is possible to define user profiles dedicated to the administration of the single area/section of the portal.
Access to documents
The documents repository allows you to manage viewing permissions on a single folder, however it is also possible to define viewing permissions on a single document. The goal is to give greater flexibility to the individual company functions with the possibility of managing the documents for which they are responsible in complete autonomy.
Statistics and reporting
A statistics and reporting system linked to the portal’s main functions allows you to monitor user activity in the various areas of the portal: filter by date, filter by company function, filter by role or qualification
ZenDMS is equipped with an integrated search engine, able to find documents in relation to the searched string both on the basis of historicization metadata used, both through the contents of the documents themselves.
ZenShare has the functionality of archiving electronic and/or paper documents, the latter acquired through the connector for network scanners and/or multifunction peripherals equipped with the network scanner option.
Paper documents can be automatically sent to ZenDMS from network devices (scanners, multi-function printers) using the feature scan to folder. From the scan area it is possible to carry out various operations:
- Repository publication
- Convert to PDF format
- Sending by email / download multiple files
When publishing the document, you can preview the document in Adobe PDF format.