ZenDMS Digital Archiving Admin 2 September 2022


Dematerialization and archiving of documents in accordance with the law.

The substitutive digital archiving process is aimed at making an electronic document non-perishable and therefore available over time in all its integrity and authenticity. The digital preservation of documents it is generally subsequent to any electronic archiving (Explanatory Notes of Resolution CNIPAnr11/2004 of 19 February 2004). After completing the archiving and preservation procedures, it is possible to get rid of the paper copy.

“Substitutive conservation(or preservation)” literally means “replacing paper documents with the equivalent document in digital format” whose legal value of form, content and time is attested through the digital signature and time stamp.

ZenDMS Conservazione Digitale
In summary, digital preservation is:
the "definitive" de-materialisation of documents
a process "regulated" by law
a process "entirely internal" to the companies
managed by the "Preservation Manager"
an automatic procedure (batch)
required to comply with regulatory and tax "obligations".
required to ensure the presentation of the document

The ZenDMS digital archive

Vertical application for digital preservation tax documents in accordance with the law fully integrated in ZenDMS: receives as input the documents that must be archived in a substitute logic and the related metadata necessary to guarantee the probative effectiveness of the documents also in a substitute procedure.

If equipped with a massive signature device (HSM) it allows the automatic signature of large quantities of documents (thousands of documents/hour); keeps, in its Database (Sql Server, Oracle, DB2), the historical information of archiving activities and allows, through the workstation of the Storage Manager, both the administration functions and the viewing of documents archived on an optical device (CD, DVD , Worm, etc.) or on a suitable storage device, as required by current regulations.

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