Privacy Policy Admin 19 September 2022


Information on the processing of personal data

Pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679, known as GDPR, and art. 13 Legislative Decree 196/2013, Interzen Consulting s.r.l. (hereinafter also referred to as “Interzen”) provides you with information regarding the processing of your personal data in relation to the completion of the contract and the professional relationship established or being established.

Purpose of the treatment.

Your personal data, including business data, provided by you through;

  • online services
  • software applications
  • digital platforms
  • commercial contracts

and/or acquired from third parties;

  • agents
  • intermediaries
  • installers

will be processed by Interzen for the following purposes related to the execution of the contract established or being established:

a) creation and maintenance of the software product, also on site, as well as delivery of functional products and/or devices (for example: servers, printers, other) for the service provided;

b) invoicing relating to the purchase of subscription fees and any additional services;

c) management of any complaints and disputes, fraud prevention and management of delays or non-payments;

d) protection and possible credit recovery, directly or through third parties (credit recovery agencies/companies) to whom the data necessary for these purposes will be communicated;

e) storage and use of accounting data relating to the punctuality of payments for making decisions in relation to future contractual relationships. Furthermore, your personal data may be used by Interzen to assert or defend its right in court; in this case the data will be processed only for these purposes and in any case for the time strictly necessary for their pursuit. During the contractual subscription relationship, your data may also be processed in relation to the possible activation of additional services with respect to the main contract in place with you.

For professional clients (companies and professionals) Interzen may acquire information from public archives or registers (such as, for example, prejudicial entries and protests). As part of the consultation of these sources, information resulting from statistical processing may also be acquired with a synthetic judgment (score) on your degree of reliability based on the results of public data and data acquired in relation to the contract to be activated and to those possibly in course or extinguished with our Company. This information will be used for the purpose of verifying your reliability and punctuality in payments and kept by Interzen for the time strictly necessary to carry out the activities connected to the completion of the contract and in any case for a period of time not exceeding two years from the aforementioned consultation .

In addition to the purposes described above, your personal data may also be processed to fulfill the obligations established by laws, regulations or community regulations, as well as by provisions of the competent institutional authorities.

The communication of your data is necessary for the above purposes; their missing, partial or incorrect conferment could result in the impossibility of completing the contract and activating and providing the requested services. The provision of your data for the purposes indicated in points a) to e) is therefore necessary for the conclusion of contracts and the correct fulfillment of the service contained therein, therefore the relative treatment does not require consent.

In the event that you have given your additional and specific consent at the time of signing the contract or do so subsequently, some of your personal data may be processed by Interzen to communicate and/or send advertising and information material, also using automated methods. The release of your data and your consent aimed at sending advertising and information material is optional, but it can be used to improve our products and services and to communicate updates of your interest.

However, you can verify and revoke any consent given for this purpose at any time by contacting the Data Controller.

Processing methods.

The data processing will be carried out manually (e.g. on paper) and/or through IT and telematic tools, with logic of organization and processing of your data, related to the purposes indicated above and, in any case, in order to guarantee the security and confidentiality of data and communications.

Data controller.

The Data Controller of your personal data can be reached at:

Interzen Consulting s.r.l.

Strada Comunale Piana, 3
65129 – Pescara (PE) Italy

The employees and operators, who operate under the direct authority of the owner, have been designated “Appointed” and have received, in this regard, adequate operating instructions.

Categories of third parties to whom the data could be communicated.

The personal data you provide may be communicated to:

a) employees and collaborators of the Data Controller, in their capacity as persons in charge of data processing;

b) administrative and judicial entities and authorities by virtue of legal obligations;

c) third parties who carry out activities strictly connected and instrumental to the operation – including technical – of the Interzen services such as, by way of example:

    • Companies that provide archiving services, digital storage of tax, administrative, payment and invoicing documents;
    • Subjects with whom Interzen collaborates for the installation and/or maintenance of IT systems;
    • Subjects to whom Interzen entrusts the activity of advertising, promotions and sales to customers (in case of consent for such treatments by the interested party);
    • Recovery company;
    • Companies responsible for printing and sending invoices and/or other documentation to customers. The personal data you provide will not be transferred outside the European Union and will not be disseminated.

Period of retention of personal data.

The personal data collected will be processed and stored for the entire duration of any established professional relationship. Starting from the date of termination of this relationship, the data will be kept for the duration of the prescription terms applicable pursuant to the law.

The way in which user data is stored and subjected to various security checks is described below:
(see paragraph: Certifications, Information Security and Backup)

Rights relating to your information.

With respect to the data concerning you, you are granted certain rights. You always have the possibility to exercise them but, in some cases, the Data Controller must evaluate your request to verify if it is possible to follow it up. Your rights are:

a) Right of access You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not your personal data is being processed and, in this case, to obtain the following information:

  • purpose of the processing;
  • the categories of personal data in question;
  • the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data are communicated or will be communicated;
  • the retention period of personal data at the Data Controller;
  • if the data has not been provided by you personally, you have the right to know what the source of the aforementioned data is and if the data comes from sources accessible to the public.

b) Right to cancellation You have the right to ask us to delete data concerning you in the event that:

  • the data is no longer needed;
  • you have revoked the consent previously given or oppose a particular treatment;

The Owner has a legal obligation to cancel the data concerning him.

c) Right of rectification and integration You have the right to obtain from the Data Controller the rectification of your inaccurate personal data without justified delay. In relation to the purposes of the processing, you have the right to obtain the integration of your incomplete personal data, also by providing a supplementary declaration.

d) Right to portability of personal data You have the right to receive personal data concerning you in a format compatible with common use and readable by devices commonly on the market. You have the right to transmit the aforementioned data to another data controller and to ask Interzen Consulting s.r.l. direct transmission from one owner to another. In the latter case, the exercise of this right is subject to a technical feasibility check by Interzen.

e) Right to object to the processing of personal data You have the right to object to the further processing of your data, giving legitimate reasons related to your particular situation. However, when the processing is necessary for the execution of a task of public interest, to fulfill an obligation imposed on the Data Controller by law or when the processing is necessary for the pursuit of the legitimate interest of Interzen, Interzen will evaluate your request for check to what extent it can be satisfied.

f) Right to limit processing You have the right to ask the Data Controller to limit the processing of data in the following cases:

  • when you believe that the data concerning you held by the Data Controller are not correct and you want to verify its accuracy;
  • when you believe that your consent has not been validly given and instead of requesting the cancellation of the data by the Data Controller, you prefer to indicate within what limits they can be used;
  • when he wants to prevent its cancellation because he has to exercise a right in court;
  • when you have opposed the treatment pending verification of the possible prevalence of the legitimate reasons of the Data Controller to continue with the treatment.

g) Right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority You can lodge a complaint with the Guarantor for the protection of personal data to complain of a violation of the regulations on the protection of personal data and to request a verification by the Authority. The complaint can be directly signed by you or by the associations that represent you. You can send the deed using the method you deem most appropriate, delivering it by hand to the offices of the Guarantor (at the address indicated below) or by forwarding:

registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt addressed to:

  • Guarantor for the protection of personal data
    Piazza Venezia, 11
    00187 – Rome – Italy
  • e-mail:
  • PEC:;
  • fax: 06/696773785.

To view the Interzen Consulting S.r.l. compliant with European Regulation 679/16 (GDPR, General Data Protection Regulation) clic here


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