Latest Release. The release of the microservice for electronic orders, the new ZenProject kanban board and much more. Admin 20 October 2022

Latest Release. The release of the microservice for electronic orders, the new ZenProject kanban board and much more.

The novelties introduced by the ZenShare Suite bear witness to and bear the clear fruits of a strong acceleration obtained over the last few months in terms of innovation and technological efficiency, thanks above all to the important investment made in terms of training and research and aimed at achievement of ever higher standards of service.

It goes exactly in this direction, for example, the presence of ZenShare Suite Cloud on the Microsoft Azure platform: the cloud computing platform created by Microsoft on a worldwide basis to create, distribute and manage cloud services and solutions with excellent levels of scalability, performance and business continuity.

In this scenario it deserves a special mention the release of the microservice (ZenReceiver), aimed at receiving electronic orders from NSO (Nodo Smistamento Ordini).

The release of the microservice concerned to be precise:

ZenShare Suite means continuous development of an innovative tool to support your business goals.


Zen E-Orders (Electronic Order Management)

the integrated management solution for electronic orders by public bodies of the National Health Service through NSO and the PEPPOL network (Pan-European Public Procurement On-Line).

For completeness, and again with reference to Zen e-Orders, order normalization functions were then added, and updates were made to the XML format for NSO/Peppol, as well as other functional interventions on the three types of orders involved in the service: order simple, pre-agreed order and full order.

ZenProject (Project Management)

we report on the project management solution of the ZenShare suite, the creation of a kanban board on project tasks.

It is a sort of virtual bulletin board that provides the user with a visual representation of the activities and to more easily monitor the progress of the tasks by providing a more immediate picture of what is still to be done, what could reduce productivity etc,.

Below we list some of the other innovations that have affected the other solutions to various levels. We also remind you that it is possible to consult in more detail all the updates made to ZenShare Suite over time by visiting our page dedicated to this subject.

ZenCRM (Customer Relationship Management)

The ZenCRM agenda is now equipped with a new procedure for saving new commitments on Baikal and has been improved both in the interface and in some features, such as for example the possibility of obtaining a massive cancellation of events.

In the Marketing area it is now possible to complete the export of the fields relating to a target list.

The Sales area, in addition to being affected by the resolution of some bugs, also saw the introduction of a new management of the closing phase of a contract.

ZenDMS ( Document Management System)

The interventions and improvements carried out by ZenDMS are also significant.
In particular it has been verified and certified for ZenDMS, and for the entire Suite, monitoring of Google email accounts (Gmail) with the new Oauth format and 2-factor authentication; as Google no longer accepts basic authentication.

The Repository now has a new document browsing layout and a new tree view user interface.

In the Workflow area a new document approval layout has been introduced, which allows approving users, who usually sign as ‘executives’, to place a signature on the PDF document.

In the Document Registration area a new parameter has been introduced to manage the uniqueness of the recipients’ database and an alert in the event of a duplicate database.


Electronic Invoicing solution. Important news here too:

  • new search filters have been introduced for both active invoices and passive invoices;
  • the management of multiple exports and the publication of attachments to invoices has been foreseen;
  • it is now possible to print both receivable invoices in PDF ( with the indication of the name of the XML file and the SDI identifier in the header), and payable invoices in the AssoSoftware format.


We will help you choose the solution that best suits your business needs.

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