Amadeus Admin 22 September 2022
Amadeus IT Group SA sceglie la Gestione Documentale della Suite ZenShare - case study

SECTOR: Travel


Amadeus Case History

The amount of paper documents had taken on such proportions as to become unmanageable, the risk of losing documents was very high, the possibilities of sharing almost zeroed by the absence of an adequate tool.

An archiving and subsequent dematerialization system was needed, as well as a substitutive conservation system that also responded to the legal obligations on the matter.

The aim was to achieve a global improvement in company performance through:

  • the elimination of paper documentation;
  • the optimization of document management;
  • the reduction of document archiving and storage costs;
  • digital archiving of documents according to law.

Solution implemented
ZenDMS, Document Management solution, has allowed to proceed with a massive digitization of the document area, the flexibility of the solution has allowed a high level of integration and the possibility of providing ad hoc functions for specific needs, which have found full satisfaction for this .

Company areas
General services, administration and secretarial services

Benefits obtained
The objective of rapid and intuitive navigation by category and document type has been achieved.
More efficient document management has led to a significant improvement in company performance.
The substitutive conservation process then allowed the documents to be transformed into non-perishable electronic documents and therefore available over time in all their integrity and authenticity.